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Packet Tracer PC Command List

Cisco Packet Tracer (v7.1.1)の[End Devices]>[PC-PT]にあるCommand Promptのコマンド一覧。

Packet Tracer PC Command Line 1.0
Available Commands:
  ?            Display the list of available commands
  arp          Display the arp table
  cd           Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
  delete       Deletes the specified file from C: directory.
  dir          Displays the list of files  in C: directory.
  exit         Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter)
  ftp          Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server.
  help         Display the list of available commands
  ide          Starts IoX development environment
  ioxclient    Command line tool to assist in app development for Cisco IOx
  ipconfig     Display network configuration for each network adapter
  ipv6config   Display network configuration for each network adapter
  js           JavaScript Interactive Interpreter
  mkdir        Creates a directory.
  netstat      Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network
  nslookup     DNS Lookup
  ping         Send echo messages
  python       Python Interactive Interpreter
  quit         Exit Telnet/SSH
  rmdir        Removes a directory.
  snmpget      SNMP GET
  snmpgetbulk  SNMP GET BULK
  snmpset      SNMP SET
  ssh          ssh client
  telnet       Telnet client
  tracert      Trace route to destination